The props we used in our thriller film were as follows...
Missing Posters - Designed simply on photo shop by Caitlin & I.
Ring - Caitlin's own.
Newpaper - Our 'Missing' girl reads this in the flashback.
Photo trays & chemicals - To develop the photos
Clock - To time the chemical process and we also thought the ticking sound added an creepy subconscious sound effect.
Red lights - Shows danger and anger, used in dark room.
Cloth - For our murderer to wipe his hands on.
This image was made by the lovely Caitlin Moll!
We all went out as a group to take these images, it was Katherine's idea to include the aspect of the darkroom originally; I really liked the idea of someone being trapped in a house and needing to escape; Caitlin said she'd like to include some form of serial killer and Jonny had the idea of the Missing people. We obviously tried to include every one of these ideas and originally Jonny & I (Caitlin & Katherine were absent due to illness) came up with a rough idea for our Thriller and upon Catherine & Caitlin's return we managed to include everything.
We are using Caitlin's house as the location for our murderer's house. The opening with begin on the crossroad type area (2nd down right) and our Main Girl will walk along and go down the side pathway to the house. The ring will be situated on the small table in Caitlin's house corridor.
Dolly - This was to ensure that our filming of the dead photos went as smoothly as possible.
Camera - To film our Thriller, obviously!
Tripod - To ensure sturdy filming always!
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