On Tuesday 5th April 2011, many a media student from Reepham embarked on an adventure they would never forget. The coach journey was lengthy and food was sparse but a short break ensured the survival of all students and the majority of staff. Upon arival in central London the students took a short trek to Working Title HQ where they assembled and waited. Debra Hayward, executive producer, greeted the students and took them through to a room they call the 'Theater'.
The students sat in excited anticipation and then Tim Bevan arrived to answer their burning questions. Tim briefly explained his roll and the process of producing a film; he discussed the different departments and their rolls also. Suddenly a student asked a question regarding piracy and how it was effecting Working Title directly and the industry as a whole. Tim responded stating:
Everyone knows cinema is the best way to engage and view a film so he doesn't think that cinema viewings will be effected too dramatically. He did specify that DVD sales have been affected badly and in the future he thinks that DVD's will be made available as downloads instead and rather than paying £20 for a DVD people will pay £2ish for a download. He says that he prefers to look optimistically towards the future regarding issues with piracy and how they can be resolved.
Regarding Atonement Tim said that the convergence between the novel and the screenplay was quite difficult but they got in specialist team members to 'intelectually challenge' everything and help with writing. One of these was Tom Stoppard who is a renound playwright and writer. He also said that when it comes to pinpointing genre you kind of know what you're working with in most cases.
Tim then departed.
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